
These are my principles. If you don't like them I have others.

Location: British Columbia, Canada

Friday, July 29

Here's another one

Why do I keep taking these mini-tests? Some of it seems accurate, some parts I wonder...

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Work ethic56%
Self absorbed50%
Conflict seeking36%
Need to dominate50%
Change averse43%
Peter pan complex56%
Physical security70%
Physical Fitness24%
Female cliche76%
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by

Wednesday, July 27

I am the Greek God


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by

Monday, July 25

Go See

Nanny Needed

Now here's the thing; apparently it is unsafe to allow my father to be alone for any length of time. Through trial and error, it has been proven that my mom, brother and myself are all able to manage - dad, not so much. This was revealed me to when he arrives home 1/2 hour after me yesterday, arms full of bags, a giant grin on his face and announces "I went The Brick" My poor mother can't even go away for a weekend anymore.....if someone had just told me he can't be left alone because he bores easily it all would have gone smoothly.
Sorry I get any of it?

Friday, July 22

I knew I forgot something

Well I said it, I wasn't sure I could or even would, but I did. My question what? I never really thought it all the way through or saw beyond it. I honestly thought I'd be okay, but I really don't think I am....I really need to be sure about it this time.

Tuesday, July 19

Which one is my ass and which is my elbow?

Wow, I 'm going to have to start renting out storage space for everything in my tiny brain these days. I'm hoping work is going to provide a modicum of distraction and provide tension release by simply having something completely un-related to my thoughts to focus on.
My first day today and one of my conversations honestly included me saying "You call me a bitch like it's a bad thing"
I'm going to love my new job.

Sunday, July 17

I heard the 'I Do"'s

It was almost everything I thought it would end, a beginning. The love of friends and family over a weekend, the beauty it brings out in guys said it all and I thank you for it with tears in my eyes, and I apologize for bringing a 2 minute hush of silence to the room but you all understand.

Friday, July 15

GoodNight KMan

Nothing else today seems as important as saying a quiet Good-Bye to Kevin who passed away on Wed. I miss you lots buddy.

Thursday, July 14

Where is she??

I have a lot of thoughts about a lot of things right now, but they're kind of all jumbled-up and I honestly don't feel like sharing them here today. I think that's a product of opening my eyes recently and taking a really good look around, listening closely to what's being said.
Not to worry, I won't be having much time for this type of reflection soon as I will be starting my job next week. Which leaves the question....what to do this weekend?? I have the social event of the summer on Sat....(was that a hiccup?) but I'm really hoping not to waste all this beautiful sun. If I could just find my little MinPin I'd be soooo happy....but she's proving to be an elusive and expensive little bitch.

Sunday, July 10

Items of Note

Oh yes's a technicality but it can still be claimed.
Copper palm trees are not necessary unless placed on the dreaded glass balcony.
Next time I'm riding one of the market ponies, the Princess doesn't walk.
Lastly, though I've never had crabs, I thank you but I don't need one on my foot.
Oh for christ's sakes....which way is White Rock?

Tuesday, July 5


I'm slightly ashamed to admit I did in fact spend the time not only taking this test, but racking my brain to try and fill in each blank. God the 80's sucked! I scored 96.5.....I'm so pathetic

Wife qualifying - Round 1

I found this at and couldn't resist:

Here are 20 of the 343 questions that the church of scientology uses to question/interrogate new recruits…

• Have you driven anyone insane?
Ok, well, technically no...yeah, gonna stick with that

• Have you ever killed the wrong person?
Only because he was right in line with the one I was aiming at

• Is anybody looking for you?'re shitting me right?

• Have you ever set a poor example?
Yes, and there's one time in particular I don't think I'll ever be able to apologize to my brother for

• Did you come to Earth for evil purposes?
Hell no, I came because Earth Girl Are Easy

• Are you in hiding?
See the question above that asks if someone's looking for me.

• Have you systematically set up mysteries?
I'm not even sure what angle to take this question, but for some reason I wanna say yes.....

• Have you ever made a practice of confusing people?
Whenever possible, and always on Thursdays

• Have you ever philosophized when you should have acted instead?
Can we switch this one around?

• Have you ever gone crazy?
I'll answer this as soon as someone tells when I was sane

• Have you ever sought to persuade someone of your insanity?
Oh...there's no need

• Have you ever deserted, or betrayed, a great leader?
I can't think of it that way.....I loved him, things didn't work out......

• Have you ever smothered a baby?
Excuse me?....

• Do you deserve to have any friends?
Only good ones.....and not even some that I have

• Have you ever castrated anyone?
Metaphorically perhaps.

• Do you deserve to be enslaved?
Yes I'd love to be someone there going to tie me up and whip me like a bad little girl? (this is a church?!?!)

• Is there any question on this list I had better not ask you again?
Nope....but the other 323 have me a little nervous

• Have you ever tried to make the physical universe less real?
Only on the weekends, never a weekday

• Have you ever zapped anyone?
Oh, I wish I knew what that was....sounds like something I would do

• Have you ever had a body with a venereal disease? If so, did you spread it?
Not to my knowledge, but if I come across any I'll be sure to call you guys first

I wonder if they'd take me as a do you know what the right answer is? I honestly have to say that becoming a catholic sure looks lame now.

Sunday, July 3

Damn 1000 piece puzzles!

Stuff that makes me happy; In no particular order
- beautiful sunny days
- gardening in my silly straw hat
- coffee that tastes just right
- dancing when tipsy
- making out when tipsy
- foot massages
- a cat purring on my stomach
- nice people being nice to me (what a concept)
- early morning yoga
- friends who lie to you and say you're fabulous on your less than stellar days
- making someone else feel better about themselves
- getting my nails done
- tiny interracial babies, preferably in an animal type onesie
- Yoda, Jedi Master (teehee J-sorry)
and last but not least:
Whatever happens today.

Friday, July 1


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine as children do.
It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

~~Thanks Timo Cruz~~