
These are my principles. If you don't like them I have others.

Location: British Columbia, Canada

Saturday, August 27

I'm not with the Twinkies

Is it good to be chosen over a 'twinkie'? Was I ever one? if so, when? How do you end up as one and once you are one, how do you get out of it?
Life's little questions....things my mind ponders.
Also on my little wandering mind-any day now my little girl will be born! And thanks to the Mad-Visa-Shopper she is ready for her first walk.

K-going to bed, gotta work.

Saturday, August 20

A little game we call "Just the Tip"

"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. "~Frank Sinatra
WARNING: The consumption of alcohol may leave you wondering what the hell happened to your bra and panties.

My Name Is....

Okay, for the official record, I am the asshole. I take full responsibility, it was all me and oddly enough, I'm going to be okay with that. Money will buy me what was lost, though it's petty and irritating that it is necessary considering what I've already been promised would be reimbursed.

Respect and trust comes at a high price.....including a 'solid' down payment.

......Drunk blogging is a whole new level.......

Wednesday, August 17

I had issues with my cat

But honestly people......I loved him too much for this.

Gettin me a Pineapple Bear!

Okay.....who's going to sponsor me in this years Mother-Daughter Walk for The Heart & Stroke Foundation? Anybody?....Somebody?


Friday, August 12


to go camping. Let's go one last time before summer is over. Yes, I'm talking to you - all of you.

Oh I said 'I'm sorry' !!

I'm much better now. Honestly, I can feel myself mellowing (slowly). I have found myself a breeder, and therefore a puppy. The babies are due near then end of August and I can take (her?) home at the end of September!! I can't wait to go and pick out my baby, ah hell I can't wait to go and play with the puppies. I'm going to want them all, but it makes me feel better to know that there is a time-line and a date to focus on.
I must also take a moment here and apologize to my mother. No, it wasn't your fault I woke up. Yes, all you did was happened to look in my direction when I did wake up. Yes, I am sorry for what I said, it was uncalled for. In my own defense-I had so many nastier things running through my head and I bit them all back because you're my mommy and I love you (and my daddy was in the room).

Thursday, August 11

Umm Humm

She said it perfectly (stolen or not), so I'm just going to send you there to hear it from her Women always know how we feel, why can't it be contagious?

Saturday, August 6

New Support Group

Did anyone else read the article on the front of the Arts & Life section of the Sun this morning and laugh? I too am a Craigslist addict, I don't know why, but I am. I'd like to take this opportunity to announce as well that I have in fact posted myself. Dont' know what I'm talking about? - go look, you'll get hooked too (just be sure to click Vancouver)

That is all for now.

Thursday, August 4

Yuppy 411

I've become what I never thought I possibly could. I'm a closet dog-dink. Yes, you read that right, and I don't even have the poor little girl yet. I have been longing to find myself a new canine companion since the big move and have decided that this time around I'll go completely opposite from my rather large Rottweiler/St.Bernard mix and get myself a MinPin. Don't know what that is? look it up, this is the internet you know. Now the problem here is that I know that I fully intend to take her with me everywhere I go and I am definitely going to be one of those annoying people who buys her (oh yeah, it'll be a her) her own bag, collars in many different colors and stupid looking sweaters because honestly people - she's 6lbs!! Yes she's @!%#ing cold, wouldn't you be?
Um hum, this is going to be ridiculous. I say this with absolute conviction, because I just stayed up until 3 am last night searching for a name.

Monday, August 1

What I did on my summer vacation.....

-Crammed into a way-too-small tent
-Cliffdiving in freakishly cold water
-Rode Mar long enough to be made honourable Cowgirl of the weekend
-Two words-Jungle Golf
-Fell into WAY too many prickle bushes
-Supervised the demolition of rock statues with a Potato Launcher
-Had my ass videotaped
-Drank waaay too much of that vodka
-Other things I don't want to mention cause I'm just too tired

Thanks to Toops Swine'n'Dine 2005....J,S,R,Mar,Nan...and the whole 'family'. It rocked, and next year I'm catching me a cougar!